how to find group count in datatable ? i have a tatable i need to groupby count “Unit” and “Month” below i mention datatable and my output datatable i have already create my output datatable template.
i need output for above format
how to find group count in datatable ? i have a tatable i need to groupby count “Unit” and “Month” below i mention datatable and my output datatable i have already create my output datatable template.
domsmgtmeet22 is seeking assistance on how to find the group count in a datatable by Unit and Month . They have shared images of their current datatable and desired output format.
your work flow is correct. i need count of month
Can you share expected result?
i need count of month out put is 11 ecb july month
The above sample outputs sum value of each Unit and Month. Doesn’t this work for you? Do you need any other format?
i need count format not sum
All right. How about the following sample?
Sanple20240902-1 (2).zip (17.2 KB)