How To Find A Particular Site In Google Search Result

Hello, hope everyone is doing good.

So, I have this unique need. For example, suppose I do a google search of “Momos”. Then I need to lookup for a result that is from the site which might be in first page or second page or maybe 8th page, but for sure it will be within the first 10 pages.

And then click on that result. We only care about the first result that match with the site name.

Any idea how do I achieve this? if any great soul can create a example file for me?

I was thinking if I will have to first extract all the search result from page 1 to last page or page 10 whichever is higher and then find out link matching with my target site i.e. in the example. What do you think?

I know there is a shortcut of doing “Momos” directly on search page which will eliminate other results but I don’t wanna do it that way.

Hi @Tejaa

You want to launch the momos page in the bigbasket website right.

Manually go to momos page in and then come to UiPath studio, drag and drop the use application/browser activity and indicate the webpage.

When you are executing the process the use application/browser activity will automatically launches the page which has momos in

Hope it helps!!

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I mean everytime the keyword(like here it’s momos) will be different and so the website name(like here Bigbasket).

I will pull these keywords and website name from an excel sheet.

I will use an for each row activity and with the help of currentrow I will have my keyword and website name. I just need to find that particular search result and then click. Hope I am able to understand better now.

Anyone? Please help me out with it
CC: @Anil_G


Use for each ui element and indicate the bigbasket link…and use the href property in selector to identify the link(in selector of for each ui elemnt try filtering with href contains…Now for each ui element can go to multiple pages also to search so it would search till the required page is found…once found break the loop …before that save the selector for later use


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Thanks Anil Bhai. Can you please create an share an xml file for this? I am not able grasp properly, Specially this part: “use the href property in selector to identify the link” It would be a great help. Only in your free time. :pray:

@Anil_G I did one thing. Used “Extract Table Data” activity to extract all the links from search result. I have enabled/indicated the “next button” so it searches till last page. Now this datatable called “extracteddata” contains all the links as rows.

Now I just want to filter one and match with bigbasket and if matched open that link using “Go To URL” activity. Am I doing it right? Also any idea what activity should I use to filter?

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You can use contains your target website…

Dt.AsEnumerable.Where(function(x) x("href column").ToString.ToLower.Contains("")).FirstOrDefault(function(x) x("href Column").ToString)
