Hi all,
How to filter the excel file by using linq query. In sample file having 2 columns Published date & Recent published date.
Here current date has to be filtered and store into another sheet. How to do this, please guide me on this.
test.xlsx (16.3 KB)
Hi @lakshmi.mp
Try this Linq:
filteredDt = (From row In dt
Let PublishedDate = row("Published Date").ToString
Let RecentPublishedDate = row("Recent Published Date").ToString
Where PublishedDate.Contains(DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM-dd-yyyy")) AndAlso RecentPublishedDate.Contains(DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM-dd-yyyy"))
Select dt.Clone.Rows.Add(row.ItemArray)).CopyToDataTable()
is of DataType System.Data.DataTable()
Hope it helps!!
@Parvathy , thanks a lot. It’s working…
You’re welcome @lakshmi.mp
Happy Automation!!
Hi @Parvathy ,
I tried executing the linq query, now getting error.
How to resolve this please guide me on this.
Hi @lakshmi.mp
If your datatable doesn’t contain todays data it will throw an error.
Does your datatable contain todays date.
@Parvathy , ya in current file there is no current date.
Need to handle this exception.
Hi @lakshmi.mp
Check the below workflow:
First Assign:
Bool_dt = If((From row In dt.AsEnumerable()
Where row("Published Date").ToString.Contains(DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM-dd-yyyy")) AndAlso
row("Recent Published Date").ToString.Contains(DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM-dd-yyyy"))
Select row).Count() = 0, True, False)
is of DataType System.Boolean
Assign inside in If:
filtered_dt = (From row In dt
Where row("Published Date").ToString.Contains(DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM-dd-yyyy")) AndAlso row("Recent Published Date").ToString.Contains(DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM-dd-yyyy"))
Select row).CopyToDataTable()
is of DataType System.Data.DataTable()
Sequence2.xaml (10.3 KB)
Hope it helps!!
@Parvathy, thank you able to handle the exception.
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