How to Filter specific column values from excel and based on that value sum the amount present in next column and match with another column value of another excel file

Hi Everyone,
Greetings of the day. :slight_smile:
I am trying to develop one bank reconciliation process where I have to filter one specific transaction type from one column and after applying that filter i have to sum the debit amounts(which is present next to that column) and after the sum of those debit amounts i have to match the total debit amounts with another column value which is present in another excel file.
In this i have applied filter in the left column where i have to select for ex-Dewa paymt. and after applying filter the values are coming in right side column. I need to sum only those values. and after sum i have to match that sum value in another column value in another excel file.
Please help me in resolving this.

Hi @Swetadurba

I didn’t understand by this

i have to select for ex-Dewa paymt. and after applying filter the values are coming in right side column. I need to sum only those values. and after sum i have to match that sum value in another column value in another excel

Can u explain a bit more

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I have an excel file. In the excel file i have one column named as transaction type(which is present in left side of the attached screenshot). In that column various values are there from which i have to select “Dewa payment”(as specified in screenshot). After selecting i will get desired debit amount (which is present in right side of the screenshot). I have to sum those debit amounts and after sum i have to match that total sum value with another column which is present in another excel file.

@Swetadurba Check this post :

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Hi sir,

i want to get the column value after 16/17th row because my excel file contains unsorted data. From first line there are different data.but after 15/16th row the desired column is present. i want to do above logic in using invoke code. please help me .Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

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@Swetadurba If the headers are present in the 15th or 16th row, then when using Read Range Activity, you can set Range to Start From that row like “A15”, In this way, the Datatable will contain the Columns which are present in the 15th row and the rows will contain the rows present after 15th row

Sir, if i want to use inside excel application scope then how can i do the same?

@Swetadurba Is it really needed for Excel Application Scope ? We can do the same type of implementation using WorkBook activities, if it is really needed , then you can do the same operations as well, but better off with Workbook.

I tried with above solution.But that is not actually my problem statement. The above solution is only for adding last item. But i need to add all the debit amounts(according to attached screenshot) after filtering and store in a variable, in the same datatable.