Hello everyone,
I was wondering how can I filter out and remove the cells that contains empty in an excel file?
I have tried to use the filter wizard, but it would not filter and remove the cells out
Hello everyone,
I was wondering how can I filter out and remove the cells that contains empty in an excel file?
I have tried to use the filter wizard, but it would not filter and remove the cells out
Contains(“”) makes no sense.
You want to use IsEmpty for the Operation
check for the operation isEmpty and use an or instead of AND
Thank you!
Thank you! it works now
or Else ;
DT.Asenumerable.Where(Function(r) Not (String.isNullorEmpty(r(“Start Date”).Tostring.Trim) or String.isNullorEmpty(r(“End Date”).Tostring.Trim))).Copytodatatable
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