How to filter Faulted processes list from orchestrator for the last day using get jobs activity?

How to filter Faulted processes list from orchestrator for the last day using get jobs activity and send the list in mail daily?

Hi @Manish_kumar4,

Welcome to the UiPath Community!

You can utilize the Filter property of the Get Jobs activity by adding “State eq ‘[Your desired status here]’” (i.e. “Status eq ‘Successful’”).

Kind regards,

Hi @kennbalobalo , I used “(State eq ‘Faulted’) and (Interval eq ‘Last day’)” but it doesn’t worked in my case. Please suggest the right query.

Hi @Manish_kumar4,

Try this url below, which return 1 day older Faulted job

"CreationTime ge “+now.AddDays(-Convert.ToInt16(1)).ToString(“yyyy-MM-dd”) + “T00%3A00.00Z”+ " and State eq ‘Faulted’”

Hi @shaik_Azam , I used this “CreationTime ge”+now.AddDays(-Convert.ToInt16(1)).ToString(“2022-10-31”) + “T00%3A00.00Z”+” And State eq ‘Faulted’” query. But it also didn’t worked out. Please help me