Possible to read an excel column text start with certain wording and extract out to a web column?
Scenario here is that im trying to copy a text from excel column which may start with “OUT*****” or “M*******” ( * means certain numbers )
So i was trying to use an activities like
a) Excel Application Scope
b) Read Cell ( output as Data )
c) Filter Data Table ( for which im stuck here ) dont know how to read specific word start with OUT or M and copy into a web column
Hi @Alfred_Gan, hope you are doing well, after reading data table by using read range activity, you have to read data using for each loop and then put a condition there like
“string.contains(“out”)” or you can also use the regex for the purpose of extracting specific information. Here is the given link for regex:
Hey @ try this linq
dt.AsEnumerable.Where(function(row) row(columnname).ToString.ToLower.StartsWith(“m”) or row(columnname).ToString.ToLower.StartsWith(“out”) ).CopyToDataTable