I am facing a challenge in my automation project and could use some guidance on how to approach it effectively. I’m working on a workflow where I need to fill data from an Excel sheet into a web application’s fields. The complexity arises because the data in the Excel sheet varies from one row to another, and I want to ensure that all required data for a specific task is filled before moving on to the next one.
Here’s a brief overview of the scenario:
The Excel sheet contains data for multiple patients.
Each patient may have a different number of treatments recorded in the Excel sheet.
I need to automate the process of filling the web application fields with data from the Excel sheet, ensuring that all data for a particular patient’s treatments is filled before moving to the next patient.
I also want to implement checks for data completeness before advancing to the next treatment.
I’m using UiPath Studio, and I’m looking for advice on the best approach and workflow design to handle this dynamic data scenario efficiently. Any suggestions, sample workflows, or guidance on how to structure my automation project would be greatly appreciated.
Enter the patient’s Name and DOB and find the person.
Fill in the billing details.
Go back to the “Patients” tab.
Repeat the process for a different patient.
The challenge I’m facing is that some patients have completed 4 treatments, while others have completed only 2. I want to ensure that all required data is filled completely for each patient before moving on to the next one.
Could someone please guide me on how to implement a data completeness check in UiPath? Specifically, I would like to know how to:
Verify that all mandatory fields for the current patient are filled before proceeding to the next one.
Handle cases where data is incomplete, such as logging an error or skipping the patient.
Create a structured workflow that allows for efficient data validation and processing.
What you can do id get all the unique patient names and then use them to fill the data…also for validations also you can create if condtions inside the loop and check if data is present or not
Say the data is read into DT a datatable
Now get all unqiue names using assign uniquedt = dt.DefaultView.ToTable(True,"Patient Name")
now loop through the uniquedt which is each patient
Inside loop use filter datatable to get only the required patient which is “Patient Name” = currentRow(0).ToString and save in filtereddt
Now filtereddt has the rows only for one patient…like this for each iteration you will have detaiils of only one patient
further using that data you can do check or fill data as needed
As a result, when I run this workflow with just the patient name and the Type into Text activity, it only writes the patient name once (for example, Candance Dean is written three times), and then it moves right on to the next patient, so we can assume that it is working as intended
The workflow is perfect till mow…it is as intended
Now build on top of it…you need to loop through filtereddy…and in the first iteration of the filtereddt which you can know by using the index property in the for loop properties panel, you need to fill the patient details and in other loop fill only the test details
So if index=0 inside the second filtereddt loop…then fill name of patient etc and on else side do nothing
And after if fill the test name etc so that for every iteration these are filled…so this repeats for each patient
You probably already know what I need to do, which is to take the patient, input their data into the Web application, and then move on to the next patient once all of their data has been entered.
So now I need to take a different value from an Excel sheet and write it in a web app where I need to assign it and do all the stuff.
As all the test element details are different…you need to indicate each seprately and based on the test value you can use if activity to check if test matches then click those tests…
So basically inside the loop use all these if conditions
Inside the unique for each…use another for each for filtereddt
Inside that use if condition eith index = 0 …and index is the property in for eqch of filtereddt
And on else side use the intial patient level details like name date etc
After if use all the other ifs to make clicks based on tests that are written
Hello, Sir. I attempted but failed to do this, so here is another approach: for each invoice, I will create a new excel file, and then I will do further processing; please let me know how is approach?
Could you let us know if you have tried to perform this part ? Are you facing difficulties in this approach. Could you point us to the exact issue when you tried this approach ?