How to fetch Specific numerical Content Value In API Content response

Hello Everyone

I had requirement where i need to store the umbers after GINAAPS- 123456 But sometimes they will come like this GINAAPS- 123456.docx which I need to ignore them And these (123456) numbers will Change.And numbers will come with other content they may be at begging or middle of passage or end.

Hi @mettudp075

use the regex expression and extract the numbers only

or else

assign the below syntax to a variable

System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(Your Variable here,"\d+")


Hi @mettudp075

Try this




I hope it helps!!

Hi @mettudp075

Use this below syntax:

input= “GINAAPS- 123456.docx”
input.Split(".“c)(0).Split(” "c)(1)

Hope it helps!!

I need to consider only the values which does not contain.docx and it is Jira comments response
We will get like: The important Ginaaps-23456 …
Matter will Differ.


Try this so that it will only consider this data GINAAPS- 123456 and that too it will take only numbers from that and also it will neglect this type of data GINAAPS- 123456.docx.

or else try this by assign the expression to a variable

System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(Your Variable here,"\d+$")


If Ginapps-123456.png or.docx then i should ignore the item go to next item.

We will get of list of numbers and extensions

Like: Reference number for Jira Ginapps-123456 ghjkjgtyujj (some random text we will get)

Before Ginapps And Ginapps text will change.


The code I mentioned above will work for only the data which ends with number

example: Ginapps-123456

The number will change And
Input we will get like: The robot value Ginapps-34567 confirm something.


Is it extracted the required data?


@mettudp075 Then use the data manipulation methods by using this expression you can extract

- Assign -> TextVariable = "The robot value Ginapps-34567 confirm something."
- Assign -> TextVariable = TextVariable.Split("-")(1).Split(" ")(0).Trim.ToString

Hope it helps!!


Try this



A generic one for the same…which will handle any number that comes after hypen and also will ignore if it is continued with extension


Here str is the required input string

Hope this helps

Also this looks like a possible duplicate for this post…please try avoiding duplicate posts ao that you can get answer in one place
