How to feed the date into calendar?

Hi, In my excel my date format is as shows in image

And my calendar date format is

So, how to do it, to change the format and click on calnder and select the date, please help me


Buddy were you able to type the date format here if so try this buddy
in_date_value = “15/09/2019”
out_date_value = Datetime.Parseexact(in_date_value.ToString,“MMM dd,yyyy”, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)

Cheers buddy @balkishan

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You can use dynamic selectors for this one :slight_smile:


Not getting can you explain me more bro. As I have a date value let…I am writing in the way

Now please tell me what to do?
Because when I click on date field so calender is open

Acc to your method bro, here I am assigning to a string variable but in the left side it give me the error, can you tell me what is this?

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remove that .ToString buddy @balkishan

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can you see bro…

Thats CultureInfo, use missed “o” buddy @balkishan
Sorry just now i updated, sorry for that…

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No issue bro, I corrected that, But can you see it showing me type error

As inDate & OutDate both I have taken string type.

Fine buddy at last to the datetime.parseexact
add like .ToString(“dd/MM/yyyy”)
or the date format you want to enter there in the calender
but one thing is it possible to enter the date value using type into activity in the calender, is that possible buddy…?

Cheers @balkishan

you means like this bro, plz correct me

Datetime.Parseexact.ToString(“dd/MM/yyyy”)( inDate,“MMM dd,yyyy”, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)

like ths buddy Datetime.Parseexact(“dd/MM/yyyy”)( inDate,“MMM dd,yyyy”, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString(“dateformateyouwat”)

Yes, we can type date value in the calender


amazing then this would work buddy for sure

It seems something wrong.

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buddy @balkishan

tostring atlast

like this

Datetime.Parseexact(“dd/MM/yyyy”)( inDate,“MMM dd,yyyy”, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString(“dateformateyouwat”)

and one more thing buddy @balkishan
is inDate is of this format “MMM dd,yyyy”

No, bro, inDate in the format is

Like dd/mm/yyyy


I just sent you a zip file :slight_smile:

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BUDDY @balkishan then you must use this buddy
Datetime.Parseexact(“dd/MM/yyyy”)( inDate,“dd/MM/yyyy”, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) .ToString(“dateformateyouwat”)

not this
Datetime.Parseexac t(“dd/MM/yyyy”)( inDate,“MMM dd,yyyy”, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) .ToString(“dateformateyouwat”)

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Did that work buddy