Hi Team, I want to count the number of remaining business days from the date bot is running. Lets say if bot is running on 26th august(Monday), then the response should be 4 business days remaining in august (till Friday- 30th Aug)
Can you try the below
Enumerable.Range(1, (New DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month)) - DateTime.Now).Days) _
.Select(Function(d) DateTime.Now.AddDays(d)) _
.Count(Function(d) d.DayOfWeek <> System.DayOfWeek.Saturday AndAlso d.DayOfWeek <> System.DayOfWeek.Sunday)
Hi @lrtetala
Its working… Thank you so much!!
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If you want more detail like know Day, Hour and minutes remaining.
You can try this one.
DayRemainings = LastDayOnTheMonth.Subtract(todayDate)
For Message Box:
DayRemainings.Days.ToString() + " Days " + DayRemainings.Hours.ToString() + " hour " + DayRemainings.Minutes.ToString() + " Minutes "
Thank You
Wahyu M Rizqi
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