I want to extract the group number from a image which is attached please do needful,
I want to extract the group number from a image which is attached please do needful,
for the image (OCR / DU)
Refer to Group 1
Please see the below. Use Get OCR text activity with Tessaract as the OCR.
Regex expression: (Group Number. \d+)
To get value after the matching: OutValue.Cast(Of Object).First.ToString
Can you please show me inside the matches function??
ActivityDemo.zip (3.6 MB)
Attached is the project created for your reference. Make sure you are opening the Images and based on the software you can change the screen in the Get OCR Activity.
I just Need numbers not the string “Group Number”
add a split.
Split(OutValue.Cast(Of Object).First.ToString,"Group Number. ")(1)
@HeartCatcher Try with Get OCR Text, scrape around the numbers you want and see how it goes
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