How to extract a paragraph from text file based on condition

Email Format.txt (2.7 KB)
Here is email format file given , i want to get paragraph according to temperature range and extracted text i want to email according to temperature of city.

Can you share the expected Output @Vidhi_Patel

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ExpectedEmailFormat.txt (438 Bytes)
Here it is. if city temperature is 30 degree then it will be output.

I can’t able to get you @Vidhi_Patel . Can you share the Input. Based on the input share the expected Output

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i’m getting city name and email address from user and then getting temperature from google search temperature value in a string variable now i want get particular paragraph according to temperature from EmailFormat file below:-
Email Format.txt (2.7 KB)

Okay Understood. What is the issue your are facing while automating @Vidhi_Patel

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I’m not able to get which condition I should put to solve this , i have prepared regex to get Dynamic values in EmailFromat file but how i should use condition , can i use switchcase but then how can i compare a temprature(String type) with the temprature range(mentined in format file) giving with the input file. Can you give me some hints. i get stuck.

You can try with Else If condition @Vidhi_Patel


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Thank you understood. @Gokul001

Here according to condition i only want to extract first paragraph which include guide for o to 5 degree temperature. how ever my regex extracts all the Materials,Key Pieces,ACCESSORIES. Here is Schreenshot my regex below.

Regex: /(?=0 – 5).|(?=MATERIALS:).|(?=KEY PIECES:).*|(?=ACCESSORIES:).

What is the Output for this regex pattern?

You can Add another Else if for all the paragraph



Screenshot (4)|690x388
Instead of 1 paragraph i get all the paragraph in output! :frowning: @raja.arslankhan

@Vidhi_Patel are you want just one paragraph from file

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Yes for first condition if temp equal to 0 to 5 , i need only first paragraph for clothing guide.

Instead of this regex You can try with



Got it @Gokul001 :slight_smile: , Thanks a lot ! will change starting expression for every case!

however that doesn’t support in uipath regex! i don’t know why!

hi @Vidhi_Patel

How about this expression?



Instead of Ismatch activity use it in Assign activity



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while specifying (?=0 – 5 ) instead of (?=\d) i still face following error . it works well in regex editor in website but didn’t work for uipath!

with regards Vidhi

Hi @Vidhi_Patel

You can try like this

0 – 5[A-Za-z\d\D\n\W].+\n.+\n.+\n.+


System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(YourString,"0 – 5[A-Za-z\d\D\n\W].+\n.+\n.+\n.+").Tostring


System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(YourString,"0 – 5[A-Za-z\d\D\n\W].+\n.+\n.+\n.+").Tostring

Still this expression doesn’t work in assign activity but also not giving proper output in ismatch activity as well.

With Regards Vidhi