How to download an attachment from gmail to required folder in Cross Platform Projects

Please note that the project is created after selecting cross platform as the platform.

My requirement is very simple - download the attachment from gmail

I am able to download the atatchment - but it is getting saved in a temp folder

Question 1: Is there any direct option to give local path so that the file will be always downloaded to this path??

Now since it is downloaded in temp folder with soem wierd names - I tried to move the file by giving the temp path and local path. Problem is - I am getting system error from UiPath like below. To my surprise - It is working fine for Copy file

So i tried to copy the file and delete from the temp. Again - While trying to delete - I am getting similar error

Kindly help on this


As per error it needs ilocalresource I believe giving currentgmailattachmentlocalitem should suffice the error as it looks like the type is localresource for it

Or use LocalResource.FromPath(PathToFile)

In cross platform you cannot give …because it can run on linux systems as well and the pths work different there to support that temp are used by default


Hi @sharazkm32 ,

yes you can download the attachment in particular folder. In Save attachment activity you can mention you folder path value as string in Save to folder field. please refer below screenshot