How to do the filtering in Excel after the excel is downloaded and is open?

I have done the record for downloading an excel from a website and now the excel is open, and now i want to do some filtering to remove some unrelated data, may i know how to do it? sorry i m new to it and hope got someone can help me

Once the excel is downloaded and stored in the local , you can use excel application scope and read range to read the excel data and then the filter data table activity to filter it @ireneqir

I don’t understand what you mean by excel is open

Hello @ireneqir,

Firstly, you must close the Excel process for the read range activity to work.
After that, you can use a read range activity to store the excel file in a datatable, filtere the datatable and re-write it in the initial excel file or put it in a different one.

Have a nice day,

‘Open’ means after the excel download i directly click to open the excel file. But after that i dont know how to do the filtering

Tell me how do you need to filter the excel file and i can sand you an example about how the filtering is performed. :slight_smile:


No need to open the excel by double clicking. Use Excel Application Scope and then use the Filter Data Table activity.

Please share the queries, how you want to filter the table?


Created a small demo. Please find the below attached workflow. (16.9 KB)

Don’t open the file directly, just save it and using the path of the folder saved , use excel application scope and then open the excel. Then follow the remaining steps @ireneqir

Thanks all for your reply.

My Excel file after download looks like this

I want to filter column E, remove all row with company name with chinese word(column E) and then save it.

Have you tried this, please read the above post :slight_smile: