How to delete row that contains keyword in the datatable

Hi all, I want to delete the 1st,2nd,3rd row in the data table. I tried to use the Filter data table activity. But the first row contains the column name, so I fail . How should I do ?


I want to delete the row with the keywords "Check " “Sum” "Subtotal "


Use Insert/Delete Rows activity to delete rows. Here, you specify below details to this activity.
No. of rows: 3
ChangeMode: Remove
SheetName: your sheet name

Refer below thread…


Hi @Katrina2018
Try below code

dt="Column2 not in ('Check','Sum','Subtotal')").CopyToDataTable()


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@monika.c I tried the method, but will delete the column “PLU” as well . How can i just remove the row with keyword while without any effect to other column . test.xlsx (11.1 KB)
Flowchart.xaml (12.9 KB)

@arivu96 Seems sth error. Would you help to fix my template ?
%E5%B0%8FQ%E6%88%AA%E5%9B%BE-20190323150601 Flowchart.xaml (14.1 KB)


Have you tried with this activity ?
Please find the attached workflow. Change excel file path and mention sheet name to which you want to delete data.
Excel.xaml (6.6 KB)