How to delete records containing prefix : ABC for column 'A' from excel sheet having more than 5k records?

Hi community,

In an excel sheet there are more than 5k records.
For the Column ‘A’ , I need to find out whether any of the record has the prefix : ABC
And generate a new excel by removing all those records with prefix.

Please help me with the logic.
Thanks in Advance :slight_smile:


Use filter excel activity and give the column name you want to filter and open configure filter and go to advanced filter and filter on contains/startswith ABC and then use delete rows activity and select visible rows and all rows containing abc will be deleted

Then use a filter excel activity again and select clear filter


Hi @Vaishnav_Tej


Even though there are 5K rows in your excel,
You can simply read the Data using Read Range activity.
Use a Filter Data Table with the following settings:

and Use a Write Range activity, give a new excel file name.

P.S. Do not forget to Add Headers from the property.


Happy Automation!

Use LINQ to filter it will be faster and output into a new datatable and write range to a new excel:

dt.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(w) w(“ColumnName”).ToString.Trim.StartsWith(“ABC”)).CopyToDataTable