How to delete an automation project published to a Robot not connected to Orchestrator

Hi, I am trying to figure out how to delete a project published to a Robot which is not connected to Orchestrator. As per this article when not connected to Orchestrator, the projects are stored in %ProgramData%\UiPath\Packages, and, %ProgramData%\UiPath\Projects. I tried to delete contain of both directories but the project still appears on the robot tray. Any help is really appreciatted.


Dear Jorge,

Maybe in your UiPath.settings file (located under %programdata%\UiPath) the:
“NuGetServerUrl”: “%ProgramData%\UiPath\Packages” location is different. Could you please check that and delete the package from that specific location if it is different?

Bogdan Coman

Hi Bogdan,

Many thanks for your message. However, “NuGetServerUrl” is “%ProgramData%\UiPath\Packages” in my installation.

May be this issue related to cache? did not tried to empty it, not sure if cache can be deleted without causing other problems.

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Hi Jorge,

After you cleanup the package folder, try restarting the robot service, maybe this will solve your problem.

Bogdan Coman

Hi Bogdan,

My installation did not have a service for UiRobot installed so I could not re-start the service because it does not exist.

Summary of installation: Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard. UiPath 18.1.3. UiPath was installed through Administrator console. UiPath Studio runs well, but, need to click on UiRobot.exe to run the robot tray.

I followed this link to install the UiRobot service. Service is now present but it does not run. It gives error 14001 side-by-side configuration problem after a server re-start.

I wonder if this is a problem caused by and UiPath auto-update. I have two directories app-18.1.1 and app-18.1.3. UiRobot.exe from 18.1.1 runs well while UiRobot.exe from app-18.1.3 does not.