How to cut the specific column in excel and paste it to the starting column of the excel and freeze the only particular column

Hi guys.I have excel data.In that I need to cut(ctrl+x)the particular column and have to add that column to the starting column of the excel and also i need to freeze that particular column.can anybody help me with this?

Hi @sandhyak9,

I have excel data.In that I need to cut(ctrl+x)the particular column and have to add that column to the starting column of the excel
You can use set ordinal in invoke method activity to achieve this.

freeze that particular column
What you want to achieve by freezeing?


@Gouda_6 Actually the first column should be freezed in the output file.But I couldn’t understand your suggested method.can you please share xaml file.

Hi @sandhyak9,

Please find the sample workflowdataScrapping (1).xaml (5.6 KB)


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But a kind suggestion is…the parameter must of value 0 as @sandhyak9 mentioned as starting column…thats all, you are doing great with the remaining,


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Hi @Palaniyappan

Yeah yes forgot to change it.


@Gouda_6 Thank you so much.It is working now.And also can you help me in freezing the first column?

Hi @sandhyak9,

For Freezing you use short cut keys
Step1:use Excel application scope
Step2:use Ctrl+g
Step3:then specify A:A,this Will select entire column
Let me know if you have any queries…


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@Gouda_6 Actually send hot keys are not working for excel as i have passed the hot key’ALT+WFC’ to freeze the panes.But this key is perfoming the operation on uipath studio.Can you please give me the detail

To avoid opening excel, Buddy kindly record a macro in excel in such a way that it freezes the first column and copy that paste in a txt file. Then you can use execute macros activity to execute that macro by just mentioning the macro name alone in input property of execute macros…

But you need to place this activity inside the excel application scope…

Hope this would help you


@PalaniyappanThank you for the nsolution.But,we should not use the macros in our project.

Hi @sandhyak9,

what issue your facing with hot key ALT+WFC ?


@Gouda_6.Sorry for the late response.Actually i’m passing the sendkeys in different ways like
And these keys are not working on the excel.If indicate the elements only,It is working.But I couldn’t indicate the elements here.Can you please provide the solution for this with out indicating the elements.

Hi @sandhyak9,

Can you use start process activity, and provide your Excel file and use send hot key with Alt+w first and second hot key with FC.

Refer the below workflow for reference

Main.xaml (9.6 KB)