I need to create weekly wise folders for each month like for Jan week1, week2, week3 and week4 like that for next months it should start week 1, Please suggest
If you are running the data or getting the date, then using DateTimeVariable.DayOfWeek.ToString you can get the week day and if it is a Sunday then put all the data received before this in a folder and save it as week1, when scanning the data again, you can check till the week day is Sunday and set it to week2 and so on.
Please find the below xaml and you may get your required output
Sequence6.xaml (8.9 KB)
Hope it works!!
One question 7 days is considered as a week or a sunday saturday is considered a week?
@Anil_G sunday to saturday
@vrdabberu It’s showing document invalid
I have updated the xaml please check the attached zip file and let me know if any error occurs
Date for week wise Folder.zip (148.4 KB)
Hope it works!!