How to create groups with conditions in website by passing data from excel sheet with filters?


I want to create a process for creating groups with conditions for “Number” and “Gender” in Website by passing data from excel, below are steps that i conducted so far,

-Excel Scope activity and in that read range activity with variables for “Number”, “Gender”,
-Attach browser activity in that - For each row activity by passing the value for"Number" in Website by using Row(“Number”).tostring,

  • Now for applying “Gender” i want to create a condition like if there Male is mentioned in the row then it should go to next activity for creating group and if the row is empty it should skip this “Gender” and move to next activity.
  • Again For Each row activity and passing the data as Row(“Numbers”).tostring for “Numbers” in particular field in Website. In this stage i am getting error like activity reads each row and paste the data of the last row in Website, while it should go row after row.

Also if the website taking a lot of time to load, which activity should be used to execute the activities? I have tired “On Element Appear” and “Element Appear” activities with the Properties of “WaitforReady” and other but its not working.
