How to create a Sequence for the following Scenario?

Dear All,
Kindly tell me how to create a sequence for the following scenario(screenshot)


for the above scenario i want to click the Manage tab and want to select the option McGraw Hill Connect Reports

I tried Mouse Hover and click.Its not working
Can anyone please help me

Hi @Arul_Suju,

1.Click Manage Menu using click activity
2.Click McGraw-Hill connect Reports using click activity


check McGraw-Hill connect Reports any links are there so we can assign directly

Refer this post it may help u

Arivu :slight_smile:

Thank you for ur response
Even after that i am getting this error

Use UiExplorer and find selector for Manage inside that you will get tree structure for selector of “McGraw Hill Connect Reports” copy that and try with two Click activities one will click on Manage and the second one will click on McGraw Hill Connect Reports

Thanks for the response, i tried the possibility but its not working

If that is not internal can you tell me from what are you trying to do or something similar

Try to use UiExplorer to get exact selector.

Instead of ID give some select some other attribute like aaname,name,title

Dear Prankurjoshi,

I am attaching the html file for your reference so that you can understand what i am trying to acheive
Link for the HTML File