for example i want to get from 23-10-2022 to 28-10-2022
So may i know how to create query to get from one date to another date? in Microsoft get mail activity?
for example i want to get from 23-10-2022 to 28-10-2022
So may i know how to create query to get from one date to another date? in Microsoft get mail activity?
hi @sathish_Kumar6 ,
Please try adding the below in the filter option
@SQL=urn:schemas:httpmail:datereceived > ‘20/10/2022 00:00:00’ AND (urn:schemas:httpmail:datereceived < ‘23/10/2022 00:00:00’”
sorry i missed it
Can you try the following?
"ReceivedDateTime ge 2022-10-23 and receivedDateTime le 2022-10-28"
It might be necessary to add timezone string if there is difference with expected time.
Tqsm it is working but i caNT GET more than 50 mails in o365 get mails… anyway thanks… Yoichi thanks for your continous help, it really means a lot to me…
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