How to create a process to automate sending emails three days ahead of schedule

Hey ive been going back and forth with this program, I am new to this program and my boss wants me to make a program that can pull info from an excel sheet and send an email three days ahead of schedule to do this ive been assigning each day ( and the info needing to be sent) to a variable using the Read Range activity, then I tried to use the Assign activity to tell the process todays date and then send it three days before the actual Deadline from there I was trying to use the excel information I assigned to a variable to automatically enter that into the body of the email. Here is a picture of what ive thrown together so far

I dont believe I am doing this the best and just needed some pointers on how to make this work I love RPA and wanna get better with it but this had just been a big obstacle as it is my first actual process.


You can use datediff in if condition

DateDiff(dateinterval.Day,now.Date,Convert.todatetime(yourdeadlinedate)) = 3
Then= Send email
Else = nothing