How to count the tick marks present in pdf using OCR

how can we count the occurence of tick marks in pdf using OCR

Welcome to the UiPath community @Koti_Sirimalle

Are you using Document Understanding?

Then this link would help…

If you are simply OCR alone then we’ll need to have a look at the file to comment something.

If that is just a tick before or after a keyword that might be recognised by some string manipulation. As that tick mark will generate some character in the text string and that character can be checked if it is present

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Hi @Koti_Sirimalle what you need is OMR (Optical Mark Recognition) as @rahulsharma mentioned it is a feature present in Document Understanding. But you can also choose to integrate your robot to external document recognition engines with OMR capabilities (there are lots), in my case I prefer to use Kofax Transformation API.

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