HI, I want to count occurrence of a name in a json object and then proceed accordingly. For eg : If namevariable count is 1 we need to do something, if its more than 1 we need to throw BRE. Please advise.
Have you tried with → JObject.Count
Have a look on the XAML file
JSonExtraction.xaml (10.2 KB)
in general it is dependend to the JSON structure. Also we cannot derrive if name related to the Property name or to the value of a particular property.
Have also a look on the SelectTokens where we retrieve all descendants in a relative way
myJObject - outpur from Deserialize JSON
Maybe you can share the JSON or sample data with us, when more help is needed
thanks, please share the JSON in a way that we can refer to all details
e.g. as text file or serialized to string thanks
JProperty(1) { [Anived Mishra] } we are much interested of the property name where we would expect the name value
For an experiment (as we dont know the details) you can try
myJObject.Descendants().OfType(Of JProperty).Where(Function (x) x.Value.toString.Equals("Anived Mishra")).Count
Thank you so much! It worked.
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