How to Copy/paste Value between two files

Hello everyone,

I have 2 Excel files.
Considering, DT1 (Data table for 1st file) , DT2 (Data table for 2nd file).
Now, I need to copy, say “Column 1” , “Column 2”, “Column 3” values from DT1 , to “Column 4”, “Column 5”, “Column 6” of DT2 .
[DT2 already consists of data] Need to append the values.

Kindly provide the solution to this!


Then you can try with simple MERGE DATATABLE activity where mention the Source as DT1 and destination as DT2 and MissingSchemeAction property as ADD in property panel

Cheers @nidhi.kowalli

As per my Knowledge, Merge table will merge all the data from DT1 to DT2.
Not particular column!!

Let me know if m wrong!!

As you said you want to append it must be working
Pls give a try and if the output is different from what you are expecting pls share both of them
Current and expected one


Sorry, that did not work!

Here is what I did,
In DT1 , I Removed unwanted Column’s, Shuffled the Columns as per Data table 2,
then appended the whole sheet to DT2.

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