How to copy a datatable

Hello all
I am trying to copy a value to a datatable after applying join. But not able to copy .Please help help to to resolve this issue sharing files also.Below are the attached zip.i want to append the values coming after applying join to a datatable.Please help me to resolve this issue (41.0 KB)

Hi @mhk15

What is the error you are getting?

while iterating over the items of list i have copied datatable after applying join to a final datatable again for second item i am tryin to copy datatable to final datatable… but its not showing any datatable. have shared the xaml as well.

Hi @mhk15

Have you used filter based on copying data


Since i am finding values present in list in other excel sheet as column name for that i have used filter and since for joining two datatable on the basis of certain values used join datatable.But after applying join i am not able to copy


Here i am trying to copy values to same datatable which is created earlier. and the error is error1

Hi @mhk15

You need to mention the column name like this

Dt=Dt.Select(“[column name]=‘value’”). copy todatatable ()


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OUTPUTSHTDATA… = finaldt.CopyToDatatable