could any one help? how to copy 4 rows a time to finish looping the 33 cells in picture?
You don’t copy/paste to read Excel files. You use the Excel activities to read the data into a datatable, then do your steps using the datatable.
thank you ! is there any way to get every 10 cells value at a time in the datatable and ‘paste’ them in another software at a time?
For that you’d have to create your own loop with a Do/While, including a counter that is incremented +10 each time. On the first time through the counter is at 0 and you’d reference yourDT.Rows(counter), yourDT.Rows(counter +1), yourDT.Rows(counter + 2) so with counter as 0 you’d get rows 0, 1, and 2. Then increment the counter by +10 and the next time the loop will give you rows 10, 11, and 12.
Your case looks like segmenting as described here: