Hello everyone,
I got a list of names by cyrillic and latin(on excel).
The problem is I can’t convert names of latin to cyrillic and compare them.
Please help
Hello everyone,
I got a list of names by cyrillic and latin(on excel).
The problem is I can’t convert names of latin to cyrillic and compare them.
Please help
Use the below expression
string latinName = "John Smith"; // Replace this with the Latin name you want to convert
string cyrillicName = Transliteration.Cyrillic(latinName);
Hope it helps!!
Try this:
Hi @Temuulen_Buyangerel ,
You can try translator cyrillic function
Hey, I can’t use Transliterate language.
What should I do
Sorry I can’t find that one in All Packages
Hi @Temuulen_Buyangerel ,
You can try