How to convert latin to cyrillic and compare them

Hello everyone,
I got a list of names by cyrillic and latin(on excel).
The problem is I can’t convert names of latin to cyrillic and compare them.
Please help


Hi @Temuulen_Buyangerel

Use the below expression

string latinName = "John Smith"; // Replace this with the Latin name you want to convert
string cyrillicName = Transliteration.Cyrillic(latinName);

Hope it helps!!

Hi @Temuulen_Buyangerel

Check on this thread

I hope it helps!!

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Hi @Temuulen_Buyangerel

Try this:

  1. Go to “Manage Packages,” search for “UiPath.Cognitive.Activities.Text.Analysis.GoogleTextTranslate,” and install the package.
  2. Use read range to read excel to datatable.
  3. Use For Each Row loop to iterate through the names:
  4. Inside the loop, use the “Translate Text” activity from the Google Translate package to convert the Latin names to Cyrillic.
  5. CAfter translation, you can compare the Cyrillic names with the original names in the loop and take appropriate actions based on the comparison results.
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Hi @Temuulen_Buyangerel ,
You can try translator cyrillic function

Hey, I can’t use Transliterate language.
What should I do


Download this package and do the process

Sorry I can’t find that one in All Packages

Hi @Temuulen_Buyangerel ,
You can try

with “subscriptkey key” you need sign-up flow in
Some tag you can
JavaScript: Language Tags (BCP 47)
ISO 15924 - Wikipedia
Hope it helps you,
Nice weekend

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