I am currently using the ‘Replace Text in Document’ activity within a ‘For Each’ loop in order to iterate through an Excel file. However, I have encountered a problem where the activity throws an error when the text I want to replace exceeds 255 characters. I want the process to continue even if an error occurs, but unfortunately, the ‘Replace Text’ activity does not have a ‘continueOnError’ property. I have tried using the ‘Try Catch’ activity, but UiPath consistently stops and does not continue with the loop. How can I achieve the desired outcome?
For now, can you try to turn on “Continue on Exception” in ribbon menu if you run as debug?
Hello, this solution can help, but if i want to use it in a robot unattended ?
Can you try Run (not Debug)? It’s same to run from AR/UR and it won’t stop if exception occurs inside Try.