I’m attempting to interact with PDFs in Adobe Acrobat over multiple computers, but the automation is failing when using different machines because Adobe opens differently (zoom level of document, collapsed menus may very, screen size). What would be the best way to consistently open / interact with Adobe on multiple computers?
What exactly are you trying to do? The best way is not to use GUI automation if you can avoid it somehow (e.g. using PDF activities instead).
This is generally a very difficult problem when creating attended automations. I don’t think you can tell Acrobat how to configure its UI, so the only way I know to deal with it if you have to use GUI automation is to make the process robust to the different variants using Pick, Check App State, etc.
Hello @nstitely
If you strictly need a Ui automation for PDF, then better to go with anchor base. It will help to keep the accuracy.
In the modern designer automatically it will capture an anchor.