How to connect to ORACLE Database

Connecting UiPath with Oracle

  1. Go to the following link and download the 32-bit client. Make sure to download the client of the same version as Oracle DB. (In this case, it was
  2. Install the downloaded client.
    From the installation options, choose InstantClient.
  3. It will probably be installed under C:\app\Adminstrator\product\12.1.0
  4. Create a tnsnames.ora file with the following data:
    auto_claims = Service name = Host name
    1521 = Port
  5. Place the tnsnames.ora file under C:\app\Adminstrator\product\12.1.0\client_3
  6. Create an environment variable TNS_ADMIN with the value C:\app\Adminstrator\product\12.1.0\client_3
  7. Add the following to path envrionment variable if not already added:
  8. Open ODBC Data Sources (32-bit) from the Start Menu.
  9. From the User DSN tab, click on Add.
  10. From the data sources, select Oracle in OraClient12Home3_32bit. (It should have been created automatically).
  11. If you face any error, download and install the following:
    Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable – 10.0.xxxxx
  12. Click Finish.
  13. Enter the following values:
    Data Source Name: Any name of your choice
    TNS Service Name: auto_claims (same name from tnsnames.ora file)
    User ID: UserID (same from tnsnames.ora file)
  14. Click on Test Connection.
  15. It will prompt for a password. Enter the password and Click OK.
  16. It should say, Connection Successful.
  17. In UiPath Studio, take a Database Connect activity.
  18. Click on Configure Connection.
  19. Click on Connection Wizard.
  20. Click on Microsoft ODBC Data Source and Click OK.
  21. Select the DSN you created before from the Use user or system data source name dropdown.
  22. Provide User name and Password below that.
  23. Click Test Connection. It should be successful.
  24. Select the Provider as System.Data.Odbc
  25. Create a connection object and use it wherever you want!!



Nice details.
I had oracle express (as probably most people do, since it is free) and I configured it.
Just Instant Client should be in 32 bit not 64 bit (this happened to me).

I am going to try to configure the connection with one more way and maybe record it because it was pretty hard for me to configure all of that


Has this worked for anybody? I’ve been able to test the connection successfully within Studio, however the workflow execution fails with the attached error. Thanks for your help in advance!

Where is the TNSNAMES.ora file located?

Try performing a TNSPING in the command prompt.
Link:- Tnsping - Oracle FAQ

Hello @Prashant_08,

I was able to resolve this using this thread:
[Connection to Oracle]

Thanks for replying!

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I type your mentioned below info into the CONNECT activity and it works to fetch data in Oracle databse. Hope it is helpful for everyone.

ProviderName: “System.Data.OracleClient”
ConnectionString: “SERVER=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=myHostNam)(PORT=myPort))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=mySID)));uid=myUsername;pwd=myPwd;”

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I am trying Connecting UiPath with Oracle
1.I have Downloaded the client of the same version as Oracle DB. (In this case, it was
2. Installed InstantClient.
3. Created a tnsnames.ora file with the following data:
4. Placed the tnsnames.ora file under the instant client folder

5. Created an environment variable TNS_ADMIN with the value instant folder name
6. Open ODBC Data Sources (64-bit) from the Start Menu.
7. From the User DSN tab, clicked on Add.
8. From the data sources, I selected Oracle in OraClient12Home3_32bit. (Which have been created automatically)
Given the TNS Service and username and password as given in the TNSnames.ora but it showing the following error

Thanks in advance


@PragmaticProgrammer - I am facing this issue

This issues dont have anything to do with Uipath in itself… Usually is a mistake in mixing applications architectures, use only 32 bits drivers and you will be ok.

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Please check out this post -