How to connect the Excel to studio

Under the automation developer training, it attempts to guide you through how to use studio but yet in the example they take a downloaded excel file and use it to show how it is used in studio. I have a MacBook and have gone through obstacles just to get studio through parallel and now to perform any tasks I need access to excel worksheets. How do I apply the excel worksheets the video is using if I don’t have it downloaded to my computer. Do these courses factor things like that in when expecting us to follow along.


In the course you should file a resources link as well as you navigate through which would contain the files used if there is any data file used in the course …did you happen to check it?

And yes most of the courses assume the desktop tobe windows so you might have faced little challenge on mac


I found the downloadable links within the course I was under the impression once it downloaded to my Mac computer I could use it while using studio in parallel. However I had to upload it to my one drive. Now that it is in my one drive I was able to use it partly in studio but when I click run I keep getting an error message. Does the downloaded excel file have to be in a specific folder for there to no longer be an error message despite me having access to it within my downloads in parallel.