How to connect ONLINE TFS in UiPath

Thank you Pablito for your help.

Finally, I got the solution and it works fine. I would like share the steps that might help other readers and save their time. I have closed network in my organization and tried to connect through proxy server setting. UI Path have given how to set proxy server on their site but it was not fully working for me.

I have performed the following steps to fixed this issue:

  1. Navigate to the installation folder, %ProgramFiles(x86)%\UiPath\Studio
  2. Open UiPath.Service.Host.exe.config file in Notepad++ and Navigate to the Proxy configuration section and uncomment the tags under it, by removing the comment tags (<!––, ––>).
  3. Set usesystemdefault to false and proxy server information according to my org server etc
    <proxy usesystemdefault=”false” value=“http://10...:8081”
  4. Save the file and close it.
  5. Important Step: Copy the proxy setting information from “UiPath.Service.Host.exe.config” file and paste it in “UI Path Studio.exe.config” file. etc tags under <>. UI Path Studio.exe.config exist on same directory.
  6. Restart the UI Path studio and finally able to connect to TFS


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