I am extracting data from Invoice PDF using IntelligentOCR. Machine learning extractor is working fine but for some Invoices, few fields are missing (like Invoice No and Date). Can anyone help me in writing Regular Expressions in regex Based Extractor to extract Invoice Number (what RegEx should I Select and how to write Value in RegEx Builder)
if this string is stored in a input string variable named str_input
then the output will be obtained in a assign activity like this str_output = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(str_input.ToString,“(?<=INVOICE\s\W\s).*”).ToString.Trim
i am using Regex Based Extractor in Regex builder i should select ADVANCED and in value field, i should write str_output = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(str_input.ToString,“(?<=INVOICE\s\W\s).*”).ToString.Trim
The pdf is helpful. But can you tell me how to use that https://regex101.com/. I mean how does it generate the required regular expression according to our requirement ?