How to compare the content in a datatable with today's date


Among the dates saved in DT, there are:

  1. October 30 (Wed)
  2. October 31 (Thu)

The variable ‘today’ contains October 31 (Thu).
If either of the dates matches ‘today’, proceed; if neither matches, break

Could you let me know how to do it or provide assistance?

Thank you in advance for your response


hope they are in same format

dt.AsEnuemrable.Any(function(x) x("DaetColumn").ToString.Equals(TodayVariable))

this give true if atleast one match is found else false


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Hi @22222222asas

Here is the solution:
today= DateTime.ParseExact(“10/31/2024”, “MM/dd/yyyy”, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)

dt.AsEnumerable().Any(Function(row) DateTime.ParseExact(row(“DateColumnName”).ToString(), “MM/dd/yyyy”, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) = today)

This will give you true if date matches with datatable otherwise it will get false
I hope this will solve your issue

Happy Automation

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Thank you for your response!
The code works well.
I have one more question: if it’s false, I would like to end the flow. Can you tell me how to do that?

Hi @22222222asas
dtTable.Select(“Convert([Created], ‘System.String’) >= #”+Date.Today.AddDays(-1).ToString +“# AND Convert([Created], ‘System.String’) <= #”+Date.Today.ToString +“#”).Length>0

That will return True or False, between the dates


Thank you for your response!
I have one more question: if it’s false, I would like to end the flow. Can you tell me how to do that?

Thank you for your response!
I have one more question: if it’s false, I would like to end the flow. Can you tell me how to do that?

@22222222asas It depends on the process, but you can consider throwing a Business Rule Exception
There’s an activity call ‘Terminate Workflow’ but I’ll recommend you test this many times

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Hi @22222222asas You can use throw or terminate workflow

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terminate workflwo will stop process
or if you want to end some loop then use break




Thank you so much for your response!
Thanks to you, I was able to run it successfully. Have a great day!

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Thank you so much for your response! Thanks to you, I was able to run it successfully. Have a great day!

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