How to combine two or more rows like if cell values of (linkage id) are same and then it has to sum the row of (qty)

i have attached sample excel
PO-ER-GBA-01398___b54ee9e1-8cc2-42b1-919d-29ff641c4340.xlsx (72.3 KB)

For example

I have linkage id and qty rows in excel like

Linkage id qty Linkage id qty

123556 50 123556 50
767676 10 767676 10
666666 20 666666 60
666666 20 425454 40
666666 20 355555 100
425454 40 466466 20
355555 50
355555 50
466466 20

what is the expected out put is it only these columns or do you want to include any other columns

what should be column name of qty after sum? , is it should be qty only


Hi @sathish_Kumar6

The excel you have attached and the input you have written in Post are different,
in the excel I’m only able to see 1 column for Linkage ID

actually it is got resolved thanks for your time