How to collect all logs for Looker logs for Insights?
The script will generate a zip file that will contain most logs needed to debug the looker portion of Insights. This was written with the release of 23.4.
Log Collection Script
- By default this command script will write to the home directory of the user executing it
- This can not be changed by modifying the line: user_home="${HOME}"
- Just change it to the desired directory if the home directory is not where the logs need to be generated
- i.e. user_home="/var/log"
- If changing the directory, it should be a directory that the user executing the script has write permission to
- This can not be changed by modifying the line: user_home="${HOME}"
- To install the script:
- Login to the Linux machine
- Go to the directory where its desired to create the script
- Open vi:
- vi
- type the letter 'i' -This will put vi in insert mode
- Paste the script into the window
- Press 'esc'
- Exit vi by typing the following: :wq
- First character to type is a colon
- After the script is installed run chmod 755
- Execute the script with the command: ./
- The script requires sudo and will ask for the sudo password
- The script will run, even if it encounters failures. If failures are seen during execution, capture the failure and send it to support
- Once the script executes, the zip file can be analyzed by our support team.
!/bin/bash echo "" echo "Running log collection script" # Define the container name and the user and the line break container_name="looker-container" user_home="${HOME}" # replace "username" with the actual username line_break="----" # Check if dzdo is available, if not use sudo if command -v dzdo &> /dev/null then sudo_cmd="dzdo" else sudo_cmd="sudo" fi echo -e "\tsudo set to ${sudo_cmd}" # Define the target directory and create it if doesn't exist target_folder="lookerlogs" target_directory="${user_home}/${target_folder}" mkdir -p "${target_directory}" echo -e "\tCreated target directory ${target_directory}" # Go to the user's home directory cd "${user_home}" echo -e "\tSwiched to working directory to ${user_home}" # Define an array with the paths of the files to copy files_to_copy=("/app/nginx/nginx_stderr.log" "/app/nginx/nginx_stdout.log" "/app/workdir/webapp_stderr.log" "/app/workdir/webapp_stdout.log" "/app/workdir/lookerinitout" "/app/workdir/lookeriniterr" "/app/workdir/lookerout" "/app/workdir/lookerout.1" "/app/workdir/lookerout.2" "/app/workdir/lookerout.3" "/app/workdir/lookerout.4" "/app/workdir/lookerout.5" "/app/workdir/lookerout.6" "/app/workdir/lookerout.7" "/app/workdir/lookerout.8" "/app/workdir/lookerout.9" "/app/workdir/lookerout.10" "/app/workdir/lookererr") echo -e "" echo -e "\t$line_break Copying log files $line_break" # Loop through the array and copy each file for file in "${files_to_copy[@]}"; do echo -e "\tCopying file: $file" $sudo_cmd docker cp "${container_name}:${file}" "${target_directory}" done # Get date specific files in .deploy directory insights_deploy_dir=$($sudo_cmd docker inspect looker-container | jq -r '.[0].HostConfig.Binds' | grep 'deploy' | awk -F':/app/.deploy:Z' '{print $1}' | awk -F'"' '{print $2}') echo -e "\tCopying files installer-certificate*, init_status and looker-init* from ${insights_deploy_dir}" $sudo_cmd cp ${insights_deploy_dir}/install-certificate* "${target_directory}" $sudo_cmd cp ${insights_deploy_dir}/looker-init* "${target_directory}" $sudo_cmd cp ${insights_deploy_dir}/init_status* "${target_directory}" echo -e "" echo -e "\t$line_break Generating looker/docker/system info $line_break" echo -e "\tiptables config: $sudo_cmd iptables -L" $sudo_cmd iptables -L > "${target_directory}"/iptables.config echo -e "\tfirewalld daemon status: $sudo_cmd systemctl status firewalld" $sudo_cmd systemctl status firewalld > "${target_directory}"/firewalld.status echo -e "\tfirewalld config: $sudo_cmd firewall-cmd --list-all-zones" $sudo_cmd firewall-cmd --list-all-zones> "${target_directory}"/firewalld.zones echo -e "\tDocker daemon logs: $sudo_cmd journalctl --no-pager -u docker" $sudo_cmd journalctl --no-pager -u docker > "${target_directory}"/docker.service.logs echo -e "\tDocker daemon status: $sudo_cmd systemctl status docker" $sudo_cmd systemctl status docker > "${target_directory}"/docker.service.status echo -e "\tDocker daemon config: $sudo_cmd systemctl cat docker" $sudo_cmd systemctl cat docker > "${target_directory}"/docker.service.config echo -e "\tDocker inspect: $sudo_cmd docker inspect looker-container" $sudo_cmd docker inspect looker-container > "${target_directory}"/looker-container.inspect echo -e "\tDocker status: $sudo_cmd docker info" $sudo_cmd docker info > "${target_directory}"/ echo -e "\tLooker-container status: $sudo_cmd docker ps -a" $sudo_cmd docker ps -a > "${target_directory}"/looker-container.status echo -e "\tIP Forward status: sudo_cmd cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" $sudo_cmd cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward > "${target_directory}"/ip_forward.status echo -e "\tLooker services status: $sudo_cmd docker exec looker-container supervisorctl status all" $sudo_cmd docker exec looker-container supervisorctl status all > "${target_directory}"/supervisorctl.status # Generate zip files echo -e "" echo -e "\t$line_break Generating zip file $line_break" echo -e "\tGenerating zip file at ${user_home}/" if $($sudo_cmd zip -r "${target_folder}" 1>/dev/null); then echo -e "\tZip operation successful. Deleting the '${target_directory}' directory..." $sudo_cmd rm -rf ${target_directory} else echo "-e \tZip operation failed. '${target_directory}' directory was not deleted." echo -e "Clean up logs with the command: sudo rm -r ${target_directory}" fi host_ip=$(hostname -i) echo -e "" echo -e "Use the following command on windows to transfer the file: \n\tscp $USER@${host_ip}:${user_home}/ " echo -e "Where preferred directory is the target directory on the windows machine. i.e:\n\tscp $USER@${host_ip}:${user_home}/ C:\Temp\" echo -e ""