How To Collect All Looker Logs For Insights?

How to collect all logs for Looker logs for Insights?


The script will generate a zip file that will contain most logs needed to debug the looker portion of Insights. This was written with the release of 23.4.

Log Collection Script

  1. By default this command script will write to the home directory of the user executing it
    • This can not be changed by modifying the line: user_home="${HOME}"
      1. Just change it to the desired directory if the home directory is not where the logs need to be generated
      2. i.e. user_home="/var/log"
      3. If changing the directory, it should be a directory that the user executing the script has write permission to
  2. To install the script:
    1. Login to the Linux machine
    2. Go to the directory where its desired to create the script
    3. Open vi:
      1. vi
      2. type the letter 'i' -This will put vi in insert mode
      3. Paste the script into the window
      4. Press 'esc'
      5. Exit vi by typing the following: :wq
        • First character to type is a colon
    4. After the script is installed run chmod 755
  3. Execute the script with the command: ./
    • The script requires sudo and will ask for the sudo password
  4. The script will run, even if it encounters failures. If failures are seen during execution, capture the failure and send it to support
  5. Once the script executes, the zip file can be analyzed by our support team.

echo ""
echo "Running log collection script"

# Define the container name and the user and the line break
user_home="${HOME}" # replace "username" with the actual username

# Check if dzdo is available, if not use sudo
if command -v dzdo &> /dev/null
echo -e "\tsudo set to ${sudo_cmd}"

# Define the target directory and create it if doesn't exist
mkdir -p "${target_directory}"
echo -e "\tCreated target directory ${target_directory}"

# Go to the user's home directory 
cd "${user_home}"
echo -e "\tSwiched to working directory to ${user_home}"

# Define an array with the paths of the files to copy
files_to_copy=("/app/nginx/nginx_stderr.log" "/app/nginx/nginx_stdout.log" "/app/workdir/webapp_stderr.log" "/app/workdir/webapp_stdout.log" "/app/workdir/lookerinitout" "/app/workdir/lookeriniterr" "/app/workdir/lookerout" "/app/workdir/lookerout.1" "/app/workdir/lookerout.2" "/app/workdir/lookerout.3" "/app/workdir/lookerout.4" "/app/workdir/lookerout.5" "/app/workdir/lookerout.6" "/app/workdir/lookerout.7" "/app/workdir/lookerout.8" "/app/workdir/lookerout.9" "/app/workdir/lookerout.10" "/app/workdir/lookererr")

echo -e ""
echo -e "\t$line_break Copying log files $line_break"

# Loop through the array and copy each file
for file in "${files_to_copy[@]}"; do
    echo -e "\tCopying file: $file"
    $sudo_cmd docker cp "${container_name}:${file}" "${target_directory}"

# Get date specific files in .deploy directory
insights_deploy_dir=$($sudo_cmd docker inspect looker-container | jq -r '.[0].HostConfig.Binds' | grep 'deploy' | awk -F':/app/.deploy:Z' '{print $1}' | awk -F'"' '{print $2}')

echo -e "\tCopying files installer-certificate*, init_status and looker-init* from ${insights_deploy_dir}"
$sudo_cmd cp ${insights_deploy_dir}/install-certificate* "${target_directory}"
$sudo_cmd cp ${insights_deploy_dir}/looker-init* "${target_directory}"
$sudo_cmd cp ${insights_deploy_dir}/init_status* "${target_directory}"
echo -e ""
echo -e "\t$line_break Generating looker/docker/system info $line_break"

echo -e "\tiptables config: $sudo_cmd iptables -L"
$sudo_cmd iptables -L > "${target_directory}"/iptables.config

echo -e "\tfirewalld daemon status: $sudo_cmd systemctl status firewalld"
$sudo_cmd systemctl status firewalld > "${target_directory}"/firewalld.status

echo -e "\tfirewalld config: $sudo_cmd firewall-cmd --list-all-zones"
$sudo_cmd firewall-cmd --list-all-zones> "${target_directory}"/firewalld.zones

echo -e "\tDocker daemon logs: $sudo_cmd journalctl --no-pager -u docker"
$sudo_cmd journalctl --no-pager -u docker > "${target_directory}"/docker.service.logs

echo -e "\tDocker daemon status: $sudo_cmd systemctl status docker"
$sudo_cmd systemctl status docker > "${target_directory}"/docker.service.status

echo -e "\tDocker daemon config: $sudo_cmd systemctl cat docker"
$sudo_cmd systemctl cat docker > "${target_directory}"/docker.service.config

echo -e "\tDocker inspect: $sudo_cmd docker inspect looker-container"
$sudo_cmd docker inspect looker-container > "${target_directory}"/looker-container.inspect

echo -e "\tDocker status: $sudo_cmd docker info"
$sudo_cmd docker info > "${target_directory}"/

echo -e "\tLooker-container status: $sudo_cmd docker ps -a"
$sudo_cmd docker ps -a > "${target_directory}"/looker-container.status

echo -e "\tIP Forward status: sudo_cmd cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"
$sudo_cmd cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward > "${target_directory}"/ip_forward.status

echo -e "\tLooker services status: $sudo_cmd docker exec looker-container supervisorctl status all"
$sudo_cmd docker exec looker-container supervisorctl status all > "${target_directory}"/supervisorctl.status

# Generate zip files
echo -e ""
echo -e "\t$line_break Generating zip file $line_break"
echo -e "\tGenerating zip file at ${user_home}/"
if $($sudo_cmd zip -r "${target_folder}" 1>/dev/null); then
    echo -e "\tZip operation successful. Deleting the '${target_directory}' directory..."
    $sudo_cmd rm -rf ${target_directory}
    echo "-e \tZip operation failed. '${target_directory}' directory was not deleted."
    echo -e "Clean up logs with the command: sudo rm -r ${target_directory}"

host_ip=$(hostname -i)
echo -e ""
echo -e "Use the following command on windows to transfer the file: \n\tscp $USER@${host_ip}:${user_home}/ "
echo -e "Where preferred directory is the target directory on the windows machine. i.e:\n\tscp $USER@${host_ip}:${user_home}/ C:\Temp\"
echo -e ""