How to click Selected Names in RDP using Active Directory

Hi Friends,

In RDP I need to go to active directory and i need to find and click on the particular value. In name field we need to enter First name and Last name after click Find Now it could listed in below box. If we have one record we’ll double click on that. But the name matches to multiple records we’ll get multiple names then we need to double click on the particular name based on office location. I have attached the both scenario images. 1 2

Hi @karthik_A

Check the selector based on idx property if you get multiple records
you just need to loop it through get attribute and loop it by increementing the row number

Ashwin S

Hi @AshwinS2
It could be possible while using in RDP?, because in local machine we run that loop statement but in RDP am not ask,
Thank you for your response
Karthik A

Hi @karthik_A
Inside RDP only it is possible where we can find the unique idx selector in Ui Explorer

Have a try

Ashwin S

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