How to click om dots


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normal click activity didnt work? you can try with click image


Hey @guptasweb

It’s just a matter of click activity with selector.

If you tired the same already, please let us know what was the issue.


Hello @guptasweb ,

Hope you are trying to download folder from share point as you mentioned in the another post. Plz use the share point activities (Get FIle/Folder activity)…

Still if you want to progress with Ui automation plz try with anchor base click activity. Better you can record it using App/web recorder.

whenever i use click activity this error comes…will u pls tell me why this error occur

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Hey @guptasweb

Could you please show me the error.


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Hey @guptasweb

Could you please show the selector you have using?


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Process Flowchart.xaml (78.6 KB)
this is my xaml file…will u pls check it wht i have entered wrong things in it… bcz everytime in some click activity it shows some error