How to click multiple button from table

Hello Guys,

I need to click following report button into table.

button has id

there is no aaname available.
i am using find children activity, but not working

please help!


Take two Click activities and indicate those reports icon on the table and then compare both Selectors and identify variable part in the Selector. Based on that make Selector dynamic.

Hi @smita.mobifly,

In filter choose some other unique attribute of report button. Because all the cells will have ‘TD’ attribute.

Also, debug and check output at Find children.

hi @lakshman,
report icon has id =webctrl id=‘ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_gvReport_ctl05_imgbtnReconciliation’ tag=‘INPUT’ /
if on placing “webctrl id='ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_gvReport_ctl0”+ var.ToString + “_imgbtnReconciliation’ tag=‘INPUT’ /” into filter of find children activity

only first button get click and execution closed.