How to Click button present inside the email body

Is there any way to click on the button in the body of the mail without opening the mail in the browser or logging into the mail.


With out going with UiAutomation Instead of that you go with Outlook Activities.



is your objective to navigate to the URL mentioned in the button?

You can use any of the get mail activities, and then get the email body. From the email body then you locate the button tag and fetch the corresponding URL.

Thanks @varunk

Thanks @farhan94

How Can I locate the button. Do I need to use get attribute activity to get the button URL?

Hi @Sankaraveni_M

You have to use split activity. So first extract the body as html and from html find a tag and use split to get the url inside it

Generally href is where you will find the url

Then use
str.SPlit({"<a href='"},StringSplitOptions.None(1).Split({"'>"},Stringsplitoptions.none)(0)

Change the split strings accordingly


Got it. Thanks

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