How to check which Orchestrator VM is connected at a given time in a Multi-node deployment?

How to check which Orchestrator VM is connected at a given time in a Multi-node deployment?

In UiPath environments with Orchestrator instances that are load-balanced, the Robot usually connects to the Load Balancer and gets redirected to an available Orchestrator.

However, if this has to be checked from the Robot's virtual machine which Orchestrator instance the session is being redirected to, the Internet Information Services (IIS) can be configured to include this information in HTTP response headers.

Here's how this can be achieved:

  • Open the IIS Manager and click on the Orchestrator site.
  • Open the HTTP response headers and add a new option: X-NODE with a value corresponding to the node (IP address, hostname, node 1, etc.).


  • Repeat the same setting for all the nodes.

  • Open the Developer Tools in your browser by pressing the F12 key.
  • Navigate to the Network tab.
  • Select any request listed in the Network tab.
  • On the right side of the panel, look for the 'x-node' value. This value is indicative of the node that the session has connected to.

An alternative Resolution would be to use Wireshark to see how the connection is done and try to reconnect the Robot to Orchestrator from the Robot Assistant. (UiPath hasn't tested this since it's out of scope)