we do have the ContainsKey(yourKey) / ContainsValue(YourValue)
we can use LINQ
we can check the keys / the values lists
to get a new dictionary similiar to your output we could use LINQ
Assign Activity:
dictUpdated =
(From x in YourOriginDict
Let chk = x.Key.toUpper.Contains(YourCheckStringVar.toUpper)
Let v = If(chk, "found", "Notfound")
Select t = Tuple.Create(x.Key, v)).ToDictionary(Function (t) t.Item1,Function (t) t.Item2)
(From x in YourOriginDict.Keys
Let chk = x.toUpper.Contains(YourCheckStringVar.toUpper)
Let v = If(chk, "found", "Notfound")
Select t = Tuple.Create(x, v)).ToDictionary(Function (t) t.Item1,Function (t) t.Item2)
YourOriginDict.ToDictionary(Function (x) x.Key, Function (x) If(x.Key.Contains(YourCheckVar), "found", "Notfound"))
However we would recommend to check if a simple True/False return check maybe better fits instead to have dictionary defining the check value