How to check each row from column if continuously dropping less than 3 then break the loop and send exception mail

with an modification of the given approach from your other topic it can be done

Also it can be done completely by only using essential acitivites

  • loop over all rows
  • check if value < 3
    • then: add it to a list - check list on length / constant decreasing value series
    • else: reset list

first sort the data table based on the particular column. inside the loop set the counter variable as 0 then check loop index is greater than or equal to 1 inside that use assign activity and retrieve previous row value. after that use another if to check if current row value less than previous row value. If satisfied in then part increase the counter variable by 1. use another if check counter variable = 2 (which means 3 consequtive down as u mentioned), then send exception mail and change the counter variable value to 0 again

@Ramya_25 can you send sample workflow please


@ppr please send sample workflow … :pray:

Will understand easily please



Try this.

In the For each → Enumerable.Range(1,InputDt.rows.count-1)


@HarishGnanakumar Let me check and confirm


thank you @HarishGnanakumar

@HarishGnanakumar Thank your logic correct

I need get row value where get exception please


Hi Shaik,

To get the whole row - InputDt.Rows(rowIndex)

To get the Specific Column -InputDt.Rows(rowIndex).Item(“Column name”)

Error occured row index will be - rowIndex

Rows which caused the exception - rowIndex,rowIndex-1,rowIndex-2

ok thanks soo much @HarishGnanakumar

let me check and confirm

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