How to change key to its value of dictionary in multiple docx files

Dictionary contains key and values, how do i change the key in a docx to its value, i have mutiple docx files. E.g. key: value: ABC, one of the docx contains to change it to ABC using dictionary.

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You can use REPLACE TEXT activity here
Pass the key from dictionary to the above activity to search and value of the same dictionary as a replace value

Cheers @superpunchypp

but how to match the mutiple key and the mutiple docx, as i have many keys to change in docx and i cant possible search each one by one

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You can loop through dictionary which I believe will have all the key and it’s corresponding value that needs to be replaced in a docx file
In that case use a FOR EACH activity and pass dictionary variable as input and inside the loop use the replace text activity so that it replaces all the keys with its values in the docx file
