How to change browser from firefox to chrome for excel sheet after iteration of every 5rows?

How to change browser from firefox to chrome for excel sheet after iteration of every 5rows?

This is my excel sheet , i want to fill data from first 5rows in firefox browser
-like how it works for both browser is :
1)open browser
2)fill data from first row
3)close browser
(repeat 1 to 3 steps till 5rows)
-then it will open router configuration page in any type of browser and just reset my ip
after that it will open another browser i.e;chrome
-then fill data in chrome browser for next 5rows
same procedure as firefox
-change ip after 5rows
-then again open firefox and fill data for nxt 5rows
this is simple workflow diagram …
how to implement this?
THANKS IN ADVANCE <3 :slight_smile:

Hi @Vinit_Mhatre,

Set a string variable to “chrome”. This will be the first browser used. Set an interger variable to 0 outside the loop, and add one every time a row is processed. When the count reaches 5, change the string variable value to “firefox”. If the string variable is equal to “chrome” then do this sequence, and if it isn’t “chrome” then do that sequence.

See below for a flowchart:

Edit: Updated the screenshot

can you make changes in this? i am new to uipath ;-;
SteamGuardChecker.xaml (36.8 KB)

Hi @Vinit_Mhatre,

I prefer newcomers to make their own code, to get used to coding by themselves. I will do it for you this one time, but you should be doing the coding yourself, with hints from forum posts. Give me a few minutes

yeah i know , i already tried every possible methods but it got failed ;-;
anyway thanks :slight_smile:

Hi @Vinit_Mhatre,

Find attached the edited workflow. I made the sequence below yours, I will let you implement it.

SteamGuardChecker.xaml (51.4 KB)

Thanks dude its working properly :slight_smile:

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