How to capture the latest BAR (link in webpage) which is changing every day according toAzure pipeline results


I want to capture latest BAR (link in webpage) which is changing every day according toAzure pipeline results.

I tried with object repository but it failed when the new results avaialble.

I tired with recording as well but duplicte BAR causes issue. how can i proceed.

Please help me.


You want to capture the link?

did you try using a selector which does not use any dynamic characters

can you show the ui explorer after indicating it


[quote=“Anil_G, post:2, topic:563905”]
did you try using a selector which does not use any dynamic characters

can you show the ui explorer after indicating it

Yes i want t capture the link and when clicking on link, web page opens new tab and i have to capture control on new tab.


Ariable lable and tag shpuld hep you…

Also if this does not make it unique then please show the right top panel

Alternately you can select each row from
The center panel starting from
The last row and check the values in right top panel to get a good selector which is static and would not change even if image changes

Do not use any number related values or url related values

Hope this helps
