How to call the Qubole REST API from UIpath? I am looking to run a query to run in Qubole from UIpath. What are the packages that needs to be installed? What activities of UI path are available to support this Qubole RWST API calls?
Hi @asuthram,
Hi welcome to the Community
Please use following Package library
check below for full doc
check below to build your REST HTTPS request
Thanks @SamanGuruge, for the information. From what I understood from the documentation, it looks like the response can be either in XML/JSON for the query that I submit. Are there any activities available in the UIPath.Web.Activites to transform the XML/JSON file to an excel file format?
Hi @asuthram,
Use Deserialize activity and deserialize Json array activity the you can walk through your api call result and extract the data you need and using excel activities you can build your excel output
Awesome. Thanks so much for all the information. I think I understood conceptually. If I run into issues while implementing will get back to ask for any samples you might have
Here you have a playlist with 10 videos all working with HTTP Request working with Salesforce, ServiceNow, and Jira:
Cristian Negulescu